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DialogControls.c by Todd Clements (tclement@hmc.edu)
This demo shows how to do different things with dialogs:
1) Set the window font and size
2) Patch NewControl() so that you have controls in the window font
(thanks to Jens Alfke <jens_alfke@powertalk.apple.com> for the code)
3) Use Popup Menus in modal dialogs
4) Use AppendDITL() to get a NewsWatcher-like preferences box
5) Use styled text edit records from resources to display text
6) Write a filter for a ModalDialog
7) Use MovableModal dialog boxes
Some some of this code is stolen from my own program, others stolen from other
people, but it's all here for you!
If you have any comments about the code, any improvements/additions/bugs,
please feel free to contact me at the above address.
I make no guarantees regarding the decency of this code. Run it and use
it at your own risk.
January 26, 1995 - 1.0 - First release
May 9, 1995 - 1.1 - Second release
Changed to MovableModal dialog box
Added "Reset Panel to Defaults" button
Disabled controls when window deactivated
#include "DialogControls.h"
#include "Functions.h"
#include "PatchNewControl.h"
#include "MyMenus.h"
#include "MovableModal.h"
Comments about the resource file for DialogControls.c
The heights of the control items in my dialog have been adjusted to reflect
the smaller size of the geneva font. There is probably a standard size I
should use, but I didn't bother to look it up. If you care, you should probably
look it up. (But, if you care, you'll know that Apple tells you not to use
custom fonts for control items (although, see just about any System 7.5 control
panel, and then scratch your head...))
All the controls in the dialog box are the same width, per Apple HIGs (Human
Interface Guidelines). This is so that for scripts that read from right
to left, the controls will appear correctly.
See the note in CheckHamburgerItems() about the true grey in dimmed controls.
Note that the procIDs for the popup menus are different. 1008 is for a standard
popup. 1016 is for a popup in the window font.
#define pbOK 1
#define pbCancel 2
#define pbRevert 9
#define rFirstOutline 4
#define rLastOutline 8
/** Defines for the menus **/
#define mApple 128
#define mFile 129
#define mEdit 130
#define miAbout 1
#define miOpen 1
#define miClose 2
#define miQuit 7
#define popmiHotDog 1
#define popmiHamburger 2
/** Defines for the two windows that have stuff in them **/
#define ditlHamburger 301
#define ditlHotDog 300
#define wPreferences 128
#define popWhichFood 3
/* This is for hamburger */
#define rbBeef 1
#define rbChicken 2
#define rbOther 3
#define cbLie 4
#define cbHamRelish 5
#define cbHamOnion 6
#define cbHamKetchup 7
#define cbHamMustard 8
#define cbHamTomato 9
#define cbHamLettuce 10
#define cbHamPickle 11
/* This is for hot dog */
#define rbChargeThroughNose 1
#define rbBeReasonable 2
#define rbArmAndLeg 3
#define rbGiveAway 4
#define cbHotRelish 5
#define cbHotOnion 6
#define cbHotKetchup 7
#define cbHotMustard 8
#define popHotType 9
#define popmiRegular 1
#define popmiPolish 2
#define popmiKosher 3
#define popmiVeggie 4
FoodPtr food; // Variable storing all checkbox/radio button information
Boolean gDone = false; // Should the program terminate?
EventRecord event; // The event
TEHandle aboutText; // Handle to the text edit record (we need it in various places)
/** This is where all the meat to the program is. =) **/
void main( void )
/** Just your standard routines here **/
void InitToolBox( void )
InitDialogs(0L); // I don't remember if this is supposed to be something else…
/** Allocate memory for, and initialize our global memory. **/
void SetUpGlobals( void )
food = (FoodPtr) NewPtr( sizeof( Food ) );
if( !food ) /* We're all left hungry */
SysBeep( 10 );
DefaultHotDogSettings( food );
DefaultHamburgerSettings( food );
/** Set the defaults for the Hot Dog settings. Used for
initialization and "Reset" button. **/
void DefaultHotDogSettings( FoodPtr theFood )
theFood->hotDog.price = rbGiveAway;
theFood->hotDog.relish = true;
theFood->hotDog.onion = true;
theFood->hotDog.ketchup = true;
theFood->hotDog.mustard = false;
theFood->hotDog.hotType = popmiRegular;
/** Set the defaults for the Hamburger settings. Used for
initialization and "Reset" button. **/
void DefaultHamburgerSettings( FoodPtr theFood )
theFood->ham.hamType = rbBeef;
theFood->ham.lie = false;
theFood->ham.relish = true;
theFood->ham.onion = true;
theFood->ham.ketchup = true;
theFood->ham.mustard = false;
theFood->ham.tomato = false;
theFood->ham.lettuce = true;
theFood->ham.pickle = true;
/** Get the menus from the resource and display them. **/
void SetupMenus( void )
Handle menuBar;
MenuHandle menu;
menuBar = GetNewMBar( 128 );
if( menuBar == nil )
SysBeep( 10 ); /* Probably should display error */
SetMenuBar( menuBar );
menu = GetMenuHandle( 128 );
AppendResMenu( menu, 'DRVR' );
// MenuEnable is my own function (see Functions.c) that allows you to use the menu resource number
// followed by the menu item to enable/disable menu items. 0 as the menu item means the menu itself.
// You'll see a lot of my canned functions throughout this program.
MenuEnable( mEdit, 0, false );
MenuEnable( mFile, miClose, false ); /* We have no use for this menu item*/
/** Where everything exciting gets passed on to other people **/
void EventLoop( void )
while( !gDone )
if( WaitNextEvent( everyEvent, &event, 60, nil ) )
switch( event.what )
case mouseDown:
HandleMouseDown( );
case keyDown:
HandleKeyDown( );
case activateEvt:
case autoKey:
case updateEvt:
/** Did someone press the mouse?
This function doesn't do much because, well, this program doesn't do much.
However, a lot of the switches were left in so you could just add your own code
if you wanted to. **/
void HandleMouseDown( void )
short code;
WindowPtr window;
GrafPtr thePort;
code = FindWindow( event.where, &window );
switch( code )
case inMenuBar:
InterpretMenu( );
case inSysWindow:
GetPort( &thePort );
SystemClick( &(event), window );
SetPort( thePort );
case inDrag: // These are here to show possible
case inGoAway: // events you could handle. I'm
case inContent: // completely modal, so I don't
case inGrow: // have to handle them.
case inZoomIn: case inZoomOut:
/** A key was pressed.
All we care about here is if the key is a menu item equivalent. If it is, pass
it to our menu handling function. **/
void HandleKeyDown( void )
int menu, menuItem;
long theMenu;
if(( event.modifiers & cmdKey ) != 0 )
theMenu = MenuKey( event.message & charCodeMask );
menu = HiWord( theMenu );
menuItem = LoWord( theMenu );
HiliteMenu( menu );
HandleMenu( menu, menuItem );
/** If there was a mouseDown in a menu, we have to find out which menu item was selected. **/
void InterpretMenu( void )
long menuChoice;
menuChoice = MenuSelect( event.where );
DoThisMenu( menuChoice );
/** If the user chose a desk accessory, launch it. **/
void HandleDeskAccessory( int menuItem )
Str255 accName;
MenuHandle appleMenu = GetMenuHandle( 128 );
GetMenuItemText( appleMenu, menuItem, accName );
OpenDeskAcc( accName );
/** Needed for the MovableModal thing…it breaks a menu code into a menu and a menu item. **/
void DoThisMenu( long menuCode )
int theMenu;
int theMenuItem;
theMenu = HiWord( menuCode );
theMenuItem = LoWord( menuCode );
HandleMenu( theMenu, theMenuItem );
/** Here is where we give away all the menu power. **/
void HandleMenu( int menu, int menuItem )
switch( menu )
case mApple:
switch( menuItem )
case 1:
HandleDeskAccessory( menuItem );
case mFile:
case miQuit:
gDone = true;
case miOpen:
case mEdit:
// The menu manager hilites the menu, but waits for you to unhilite it.
HiliteMenu( 0 );
/** The about menu simply puts up a styled text block and waits for a click. **/
void DoAboutMenu( void )
Rect firstRect;
Handle firstText;
StScrpHandle styleHdl;
DialogPtr aboutPtr;
short hit;
Boolean done = false;
ModalFilterUPP filter;
// You have to use this function if you are going to be compiling for the PowerPC.
// In the 68K realm, you can still pass AboutFilter itself to ModalDialog(), but
// this is the new way of doing it. It works on both platforms since the compiler
// knows what to do on either platform.
filter = NewModalFilterProc( AboutFilter );
if( !filter ) return;
// Get a new dialog, and set the font of the dialog
aboutPtr = MyGetNewDialogFont( 129, true, nil, geneva, 10 );
if( aboutPtr == nil )
{ SysBeep( 10 ); return; }
// Canned routine - get the rect of a dialog item
GetDialogItemRect( aboutPtr, 1, &firstRect );
// Create our TextEdit record
aboutText = TEStyleNew( &firstRect, &firstRect );
// Center the text
TESetAlignment( teCenter, aboutText );
// Look to see if we can find the text we want in the resource. If we can't, beep
// angrily, and return.
firstText = GetResource( 'TEXT', 128 );
if( !firstText )
SysBeep( 10 );
DisposeDialog( aboutPtr );
HLock( firstText );
// Get our style record that matches our text record
styleHdl = (StScrpHandle)(GetResource( 'styl', 128 ) );
if( styleHdl )
// If the style was there, insert it and the text
TEStyleInsert( *firstText, GetResourceSizeOnDisk(firstText), styleHdl, aboutText );
// If the style was not there, insert the text all by itself.
TEInsert( *firstText, GetResourceSizeOnDisk( firstText ), aboutText );
HUnlock( firstText );
// Make sure there is an update event generated.
// The Window Manager will automatically create an update event, but this is to be safe
InvalRect( &firstRect );
// Always use ReleaseResource() on resource handles, not DisposeHandle()!
ReleaseResource( (Handle) firstText );
ReleaseResource( (Handle) styleHdl );
// Simply wait for a click
while( !done )
ModalDialog( filter, &hit );
if( hit != 0 )
TEDispose( aboutText );
DisposeDialog( aboutPtr );
done = true;
// Always be kind to your memory!
DisposeRoutineDescriptor( (UniversalProcPtr) AboutFilter );
/** This is our very simple filter for the about box. It doesn't do much except check
for updateEvents, but you can add anything you want to it, including stuff it would
do during idle time (like scroll some text (See MovieScroll.c from Ken Long) **/
pascal Boolean AboutFilter(DialogPtr inputDialog, EventRecord *myDialogEvent, short *theDialogItem)
Boolean returnVal = false;
switch( myDialogEvent->what )
case updateEvt: // This is all we care about
Rect rect;
BeginUpdate( inputDialog );
GetDialogItemRect( inputDialog, 1, &rect );
TEUpdate( &rect, aboutText );
EndUpdate( inputDialog );
returnVal = true;
*theDialogItem = 0;
return returnVal; // Tell the Dialog Manager whether we handled this event or not.
/** This is what we're really here for, though, folks! **/
void DoTheMagic( void )
DialogPtr dialog;
short whichFood = popmiHotDog;
short standardDITL; /* number of items in standar DITL for our window */
Food newFood; /* Copy this so we can allow a cancel */
Boolean done = false;
short hit;
short itemType;
Handle foodPopHandle;
Rect foodPopRect;
short newValue;
// A very useful routine. It makes it so that all controls that are check boxes and
// radio buttons (you can change it if you like) use the current window font.
// Canned routine for getting a dialog box and setting the font as well
dialog = MyGetNewDialogFont( 128, true, nil, geneva, 10 );
if( !dialog )
SysBeep( 10 );
// Set the menus for a movable modal dialog box
SetDialogDefaultItem( dialog, pbOK );
SetDialogCancelItem( dialog, pbCancel );
// Copy our variables so that we are only changing temporary ones
BlockMove( food, &newFood, sizeof( Food ) );
// We could just use SnatchHandle here, but I decided not to for some odd reason
GetDialogItem( dialog, popWhichFood, &itemType, &foodPopHandle, &foodPopRect );
SetControlValue( (ControlHandle) foodPopHandle, whichFood );
// Count the number of items we have in our dialog before we add new ones
standardDITL = CountDITL( dialog );
// Add the correct DITL (based on whichFood), and check the correct stuff
SetUpFoodDitl( dialog, standardDITL, whichFood, &newFood );
// We aren't doing drawing routines here because when a dialog is put up, it
// automatically generates an updateEvt, so you don't have to deal with it specifically.
while( !done )
MovableModalDialog( 0L, &hit, dialog );
switch( hit )
case pbOK:
BlockMove( &newFood, food, sizeof( Food ) );
done = true;
case pbCancel:
done = true;
case popWhichFood:
GetDialogItem( dialog, popWhichFood, &itemType, &foodPopHandle, &foodPopRect );
newValue = GetControlValue( (ControlHandle) foodPopHandle );
if( whichFood == newValue )
whichFood = newValue;
TakeOutCurrentDITL( dialog, standardDITL );
SetUpFoodDitl( dialog, standardDITL, whichFood, &newFood );
switch( whichFood )
case popmiHotDog:
HandleHotDogItems( dialog, standardDITL, &newFood, hit );
case popmiHamburger:
HandleHamburgerItems( dialog, standardDITL, &newFood, hit );
DisposeDialog( dialog );
/* I use this as a quick way to get a new dialog, put it behind any window I want,
as well as set the window font all in one fell swoop. */
DialogPtr MyGetNewDialogFont( int rsrcId, Boolean moveToFront, WindowPtr behindWhich,
short fontNo, short textSize )
DialogPtr window;
if( moveToFront ) behindWhich = (WindowPtr) -1L;
window = GetNewDialog( rsrcId, nil, behindWhich );
if( !window )
SysBeep( 10 );
return nil;
SetWRefCon( window, (long) rsrcId );
SetPort( (GrafPtr) window );
SetDialogFontAndSize( window, fontNo, textSize );
ShowWindow( window );
return window;
/* Also stolen from an unknown source */
void SetDialogFontAndSize( DialogPtr theDialog, short fontNo, short fontSize )
FontInfo fInfo;
TextFont( fontNo );
TextSize( fontSize );
GetFontInfo( &fInfo );
(**(((DialogPeek)theDialog)->textH)).txFont = geneva;
(**(((DialogPeek)theDialog)->textH)).txSize = 9;
(**(((DialogPeek)theDialog)->textH)).lineHeight = fInfo.ascent + fInfo.descent + fInfo.leading;
(**(((DialogPeek)theDialog)->textH)).fontAscent = fInfo.ascent;
/** Frame the options area **/
void FrameOptions( DialogPtr dialog )
int i;
Rect theRect;
for( i = rFirstOutline; i <= rLastOutline; i++ )
GetDialogItemRect( dialog, i, &theRect );
FrameRect( &theRect );
/** Add the correct DITLs, and then call the checking procedure **/
void SetUpFoodDitl( DialogPtr window, short standardDITL, short whichFood, FoodPtr newFood )
Handle addDitl;
addDitl = GetResource( 'DITL', whichFood + ditlHotDog - 1 );
if( !addDitl )
SysBeep( 10 );
HLock( addDitl );
AppendDITL( window, addDitl, overlayDITL );
HUnlock( addDitl );
ReleaseResource( addDitl );
SelectTheRightStuff( window, standardDITL, whichFood, newFood );
/** Remove the current EXTRA items in the dialog box, to set up for the next one **/
void TakeOutCurrentDITL( DialogPtr window, short standardDITL )
short ditlCount;
ditlCount = CountDITL( window );
ShortenDITL( window, ditlCount - standardDITL );
/** Just sees which item we wish to go through and make sure everything is checked for **/
void SelectTheRightStuff( DialogPtr window, short standardDITL, short whichFood, FoodPtr newFood )
switch( whichFood )
case popmiHotDog:
CheckHotDogItems( window, whichFood, standardDITL, newFood );
case popmiHamburger:
CheckHamburgerItems( window, whichFood, standardDITL, newFood );
/** The following two routines simply select the right items in the dialog box depending
on the values of the variables **/
void CheckHotDogItems( DialogPtr window, short whichFood, short standardDITL, FoodPtr newFood )
short itemType;
Handle foodPopHandle;
Rect foodPopRect;
short i;
/* Make the popup list point to the right thing */
GetDialogItem( window, popHotType+standardDITL, &itemType, &foodPopHandle, &foodPopRect );
SetControlValue( (ControlHandle) foodPopHandle, newFood->hotDog.hotType );
// Check the radio buttons appropriately
for( i = rbChargeThroughNose; i <= rbGiveAway; i++ )
SelectButton( window, i+standardDITL, i == newFood->hotDog.price );
// Do button stuff
SelectButton( window, cbHotRelish+standardDITL, newFood->hotDog.relish );
SelectButton( window, cbHotOnion+standardDITL, newFood->hotDog.onion );
SelectButton( window, cbHotKetchup+standardDITL, newFood->hotDog.ketchup );
SelectButton( window, cbHotMustard+standardDITL, newFood->hotDog.mustard );
void CheckHamburgerItems( DialogPtr window, short whichFood, short standardDITL, FoodPtr newFood )
short i;
for( i = rbBeef; i <= rbOther; i++ )
SelectButton( window, i+standardDITL, i == newFood->ham.hamType );
SelectButton( window, cbHamRelish+standardDITL, newFood->ham.relish );
SelectButton( window, cbHamOnion+standardDITL, newFood->ham.onion );
SelectButton( window, cbHamKetchup+standardDITL, newFood->ham.ketchup );
SelectButton( window, cbHamMustard+standardDITL, newFood->ham.mustard );
SelectButton( window, cbHamTomato+standardDITL, newFood->ham.tomato );
SelectButton( window, cbHamLettuce+standardDITL, newFood->ham.lettuce );
SelectButton( window, cbHamPickle+standardDITL, newFood->ham.pickle );
SelectButton( window, cbLie+standardDITL, (newFood->ham.hamType == rbOther && newFood->ham.lie ) );
// EnableButton is very interesting. You will note (those of you with color Macs) that
// the "Lie about contents" button greyed in TRUE grey, not in the fake grey pattern
// that we are used to seeing. This is because I created a custom color table for my
// dialog box. This made the Dialog Manger know that we had a full color dialog
// box, and so it knew to display in real rather than fake grey. All you have to do
// is choose "Custom" in the "Window Colors" part of the dialog box editor in ResEdit,
// change one item, and change it back. Then, all of your controls will be properly greyed
// without any extra code.
EnableButton( window, cbLie+standardDITL, newFood->ham.hamType == rbOther );
/** Handle it if we clicked somewhere when the HotDog items DITL was up **/
void HandleHotDogItems( DialogPtr window, short standardDITL, FoodPtr newFood, short hit )
if ( hit == pbRevert )
DefaultHotDogSettings( newFood );
CheckHotDogItems( window, 0, standardDITL, newFood );
switch( hit - standardDITL)
case rbChargeThroughNose: case rbBeReasonable: case rbArmAndLeg: case rbGiveAway:
SelectButton( window, newFood->hotDog.price+standardDITL, false );
newFood->hotDog.price = hit-standardDITL;
SelectButton( window, newFood->hotDog.price+standardDITL, true );
case cbHotRelish:
CheckButton( window, cbHotRelish+standardDITL );
newFood->hotDog.relish = !(newFood->hotDog.relish);
case cbHotOnion:
CheckButton( window, cbHotOnion+standardDITL );
newFood->hotDog.onion = !(newFood->hotDog.onion);
case cbHotKetchup:
CheckButton( window, cbHotKetchup+standardDITL );
newFood->hotDog.ketchup = !(newFood->hotDog.ketchup);
case cbHotMustard:
CheckButton( window, cbHotMustard+standardDITL );
newFood->hotDog.mustard = !(newFood->hotDog.mustard);
case popHotType:
{short itemType;
Handle foodPopHandle;
Rect foodPopRect;
GetDialogItem( window, popHotType+standardDITL, &itemType, &foodPopHandle, &foodPopRect );
newFood->hotDog.hotType = GetControlValue( (ControlHandle) foodPopHandle );
void HandleHamburgerItems( DialogPtr window, short standardDITL, FoodPtr newFood, short hit )
if ( hit == pbRevert )
DefaultHamburgerSettings( newFood );
CheckHamburgerItems( window, 0, standardDITL, newFood );
switch( hit - standardDITL)
case rbBeef: case rbChicken: case rbOther:
SelectButton( window, newFood->ham.hamType+standardDITL, false );
SelectButton( window, hit, true );
newFood->ham.hamType = hit-standardDITL;
if( newFood->ham.hamType == rbOther )
EnableButton( window, cbLie+standardDITL, true );
EnableButton( window, cbLie+standardDITL, false );
newFood->ham.lie = false;
SelectButton( window, cbLie+standardDITL, false );
case cbLie:
CheckButton( window, cbLie+standardDITL );
newFood->ham.lie = !(newFood->ham.lie);
case cbHamRelish:
CheckButton( window, cbHamRelish+standardDITL );
newFood->ham.relish = !(newFood->ham.relish);
case cbHamOnion:
CheckButton( window, cbHamOnion+standardDITL );
newFood->ham.onion = !(newFood->ham.onion);
case cbHamKetchup:
CheckButton( window, cbHamKetchup+standardDITL );
newFood->ham.ketchup = !(newFood->ham.ketchup);
case cbHamMustard:
CheckButton( window, cbHamMustard+standardDITL );
newFood->ham.mustard = !(newFood->ham.mustard);
case cbHamTomato:
CheckButton( window, cbHamTomato+standardDITL );
newFood->ham.tomato = !(newFood->ham.tomato);
case cbHamLettuce:
CheckButton( window, cbHamLettuce+standardDITL );
newFood->ham.lettuce = !(newFood->ham.lettuce);
case cbHamPickle:
CheckButton( window, cbHamPickle+standardDITL );
newFood->ham.pickle = !(newFood->ham.pickle);
/** This function is a hack. You should do a better job with it. =) **/
void FindWindowToUpdate( WindowPtr window )
long ID;
GrafPtr old;
// I store the window number in the ref con of the window (see MyGetNewDialogFont())
// Normally I have a function to do this, but in this case, I only call it once.
ID = (long) GetWRefCon( window );
GetPort( &old );
SetPort( window );
switch (ID)
case wPreferences:
// This is a weird thing. Normally you stick redrawing functions within the BeginUpdate()
// and EndUpdate() calls, but here, if I try, they don't draw correctly. It's possible
// that the dialog manager draws over anything I draw, and that's why, but I haven't
// run across that in any other program I've written. Any ideas anyone?
BeginUpdate( window );
EndUpdate( window );
FrameOptions( (DialogPtr) window );
SetPort( old );
/** THE END!!!!! **/